

トランジション―ラオス 森の変遷と暮らし

Transitions - Changing forests changes lives in Laos

トランジション―ラオス 森の変遷と暮らし


Forests have supported human life. People have lived in harmony with the forests, respecting the spirits of the land. But changes in Laos are beginning to change people's relationships with the forest.

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Protecting Native Species - The Muong people in Vietnam



We human beings have collected seeds by our own hands, which have been inherited as assets of our families and communities beyond many centuries. Today, however, corporations and governmental institutions sell mass-produced artificial seeds all over the world.
The Muong people in the hilly region of Viet Nam have started a challenge. Instead of buying seeds, they are trying to collect native seeds by themselves and pass them down to the future generation

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How Dams Disrupt Lives - Experiences from the Mun River


この映像は、自然と地域の生業に対するダム建設の影響に関する情報を、メコン河流域で暮らす人々の間で共有すること目的に制作されました。ダムを見たこともない人が、自分たちが日常利用している川がせき止められると、どのような環境変化が起きるのかを想像するのはとても難しいことです。そこで私たちは、人々の河川利用を紹介するとともに、パクムンダムが建設されたタイのムン川で暮らす人々の声を集め、映像にまとめました。 <本編は日本の方にもメコン河流域のダムの問題を理解していただくため、タイ語版を元に日本語版を制作したものです>

People in the Mekong basin depend on the river for food and livelihood. The Mekong sustains 60 million people living in its basin. The Mun River has the largest basin area of all the Mekong's tributaries in Thailand. The Pak Mun Dam was 5.5 km from the mouth of the Mun River. Fish disappeared from the Mun River after the dam was built.  This documentary film was produced to share with the people living in the Mekong Basin the impacts on nature and livelihood brought by dam construction. We hope the film will help our audience to have prior knowledge on how dams may alter natural environment and people's lives. By understanding dams' impacts through this film, we hope people will be able to see different aspects of development projects, consider both positive and negative changes beforehand and choose the environment and livelihood best for each community.

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ルム・パー オイ民族の水田養魚

Lum Pa - Fish cultivation in paddy fields

ルム・パー オイ民族の水田養魚


The Oy people of Attapeu Province in southern Laos migrated from the mountains to the lowlands and began to cultivate paddy fields from about 50 years ago. The people dig out holes similar to wells in the rice fields. These are called l"um pa". The people use various techniques to have large numbers of fish come into the lum pa, where they live and grow. Lum pa are a product of local wisdom for ensuring supplies of protein in the community environment during the dry season, when fish are not readily available.

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