ホーム > イベント >連続セミナー:ミャンマからの声を聞く 第6回「若者とデジタル・フリーダム 前線からの声」
English below the page
第6回「若者とデジタル・フリーダム 前線からの声」
2024年10月3日(木) 19:00-20:30
この連続セミナーは、「#ミャンマー軍の資金源を断て」キャンペーン団体(メコン・ウォッチ、アーユス仏教国際協力ネットワーク、国際環境NGO FoE Japan、日本国際ボランティアセンター、武器取引反対ネットワーク)がプログレッシブ・ボイスと共催するもので、ミャンマーからの声を日本に伝えるため企画しました。現地の情勢や紛争の歴史的経緯、いわゆる少数民族居住地域での状況、日本政府や社会に対してミャンマーの市民社会の求めることは何かを、各地で活動してきたミャンマーの活動家・NGOスタッフなどをゲストスピーカーに迎えてお話を聞き、議論を深めていきます。
- 第6回「若者とデジタル・フリーダム 前線からの声」
- ミャンマーでは、若者たちが、2021年2月の違法な未遂クーデターによって火がついた革命を推し進める勢力として台頭しています。若者たちによる抵抗は、残虐な軍に対する運動としてミャンマーの歴史上もっとも多様なものの一つです。これに対し、軍はミャンマー全域の人びとを標的にして恐ろしい残虐行為を行い、何百人もの若者を殺しました。これには9歳未満の子供が少なくとも110人含まれています。
「連続セミナー:ミャンマーからの声を聞く」第6回では、ミャンマーで表現の自由を求めて活動する非営利団体である「アタン(Athan)」の事務局長、ズィーピー氏にお話を伺います。ズィーピー氏は、ミャンマーの「春の革命」に参加する若者の一人としてのご自身の体験と、軍政による表現の自由や報道の自由の侵害を記録するアタンの活動についてお話しくださいます。また、「ビルマのクィア・オルタナティブ(Queers of Burma Alternative)」事務局長のチーニェイン氏からは、ミャンマーの革命を促進してきたLGBTIQ+のコミュニティとZ世代の一員としての観点からお話しいただきます。チーニェイン氏は、ミャンマーが将来、包摂的な連邦民主制をとることへの希望も語ってくださいます。
- 日時
- 2024年10月3日(木) 19:00-20:30
- 会場
- オンライン開催(ウェビナー)Zoom
- 言語
- 英語(日本語同時通訳付き)
- 参加費
- 無料
- 申込
- zoomのシステムから登録をお願いします>登録サイト
- スピーカー
- ズィーピー(Zee Pe)氏
チーニェイン(Kyi Nyein)氏
- スピーカー略歴
- ズィーピー氏:「アタンー表現の自由のための活動家団体」の事務局長。10年以上、ミャンマーの人権問題に取り組んできた。アタンに加わる前の10年間は、著名な人権ベースの団体に積極的に関わっていた。その経験に基づき、2018年の設立時にコンサルタントとしてアタンに加わり、1年後にフルタイムで働くようになった。表現の自由の問題について一連の抗議行動を進んで組織し、リサーチペーパーの執筆にも精力的に関わった。2021年のクーデター後、アタンの事務局長になり、現在はミャンマーのためにアタンの人権や提言に関する活動を率いている。ズィーピーとアタンのチームはその活動が原因で2021年末にタイに移った。
- チーニェイン氏: 若手のクィア活動家で、現在は「ビルマのクィア・オルタナティブ(Queers of Burma Alternative)」事務局長を務める。2018年以降、積極行動主義に深く関わり、特にLGBT+の権利や反軍事主義、若者の積極行動主義、環境保護に焦点を絞ってきた。2021年の軍事クーデターで暴力が引き起こされても社会正義のための提唱活動を続け、ミャンマーのゼネスト委員会の運営委員を務め、シャン州北部やカレンニー州など避難民のいる地域で人道支援活動を行った。学生組合の政策問題担当者や、文民政府のもとの青年問題委員会の書記補佐を務めるなど、経験豊富である。環境保護に対する情熱から2019年には東南アジア青年クリーンアップ・アンバサダーとして認められた。積極行動主義に加え、ミャンマーのLGBT+ の声を伝えるポッドキャストの製作者としても優れており、調査や提言のインターセクショナリティについて民主派の様々な団体と協力してきた。
- 共催
- 「#ミャンマー軍の資金源を断て」キャンペーン団体(メコン・ウォッチ、アーユス仏教国際協力ネットワーク、国際環境NGO FoE Japan、日本国際ボランティアセンター、武器取引反対ネットワーク)、プログレッシブ・ボイス
- 問合せ先
- メコン・ウォッチ info@mekongwatch.org
- 参考
- メコン河開発メールニュース
ノルウェー中央銀行、KDDIと住友商事を投資除外監視リストに追加 (2023年12月25日)
Webinar Series: Listening to Voices from Myanmar
Session 6: Youth & Digital Freedom in Myanmar - Voices from the Frontlines
October 3, 2024 (Thursday) 19:00-20:30 JST
Since the military attempted a coup in Myanmar on February 1, 2021, the country has been thrown into chaos with over 3 million internally displaced persons as the military’s oppression and escalating conflicts with ethnic revolutionary organizations intensifies. The death toll from the military crackdown has climbed to over 5,500 people. While Japan is the largest aid donor to Myanmar, it has not exerted its influence in the correct manner, while continuing its Official Development Assistance (ODA) after the coup attempt and supplying public funds to businesses related to the military. Moreover, the situation in regions inhabited by ethnic minorities who have long sought autonomy and the voices of people with diverse backgrounds have not been well understood in Japan.
This webinar seminars is co-hosted by the #NoMoreBusinessWithJunta campaign organizers (Mekong Watch, ayus:Network of Buddhists Volunteers on International Cooperation, Friends of the Earth Japan, Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC), and Network Against Japan Arms Trade (NAJAT)) with Progressive Voice. The webinar series intends to amplify voices of the people of Myanmar to Japan. We will discuss and hear ground updates, historical background of conflicts, situation in ethnic minority areas, and what the civil society from Myanmar expects from the Japanese government and society, featuring Myanmar activists and NGO staff as guest speakers.
- Session 6: Youth & Digital Freedom in Myanmar - Voices from the Frontlines
- Youth in Myanmar have emerged as the driving force of a revolution sparked by the military's illegal coup attempt in February 2021. Their defiance represents one of the most intersectional movements against the brutal military in Myanmar's history. In response, the military has targeted and committed horrific atrocities against people across the country, including the killing of hundreds of young people, with at least 110 of them being children under the age of nine.
The digital sphere has been a key element of resistance in Myanmar, particularly for the youth who have used the space to galvanize support from domestic and international actors for the revolution. The military has extended their war against the Myanmar people into the digital sphere in what UN experts have called an attempt to establish a “digital dictatorship”, characterized by severe internet and phone line restrictions, online censorship, surveillance, and other oppressive tactics. Under these conditions Japanese telecommunication businesses KDDI Group and Sumitomo Corporation have jointly operated Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications (MPT), under the control of the junta. These businesses have complied with the military junta’s surveillance programs, allowing the military to access personal data and intercept communications without warrants and legal oversight, endangering activists and netizens. By providing a source of revenue and surveillance capabilities to the military junta, Japanese businesses are complicit in grave human rights violations.
In our sixth session of the webinar series “Listening to Voices from Myanmar”, we will hear directly from Zee Pe, Executive Director of Athan - a non-profit championing freedom of expression in Myanmar. She will share her experience as one of the youths in Myanmar’s Spring Revolution and her organization’s work in documenting the junta’s violations of freedom of expression and media freedom in Myanmar. Zee Pe is joined by Kyi Nyein, Secretary of Queers of Burma Alternative, who will share their insights as part of the LGBTIQ+ community and the Gen Z movement that has galvanized Myanmar’s revolution. Kyi Nyein will share their hopes for an inclusive federal democratic future for Myanmar.
Many lessons can be learned from today’s movements, characterized by a decentralized and multi-faceted approach. Join us in deepening our understanding of these dynamics and discovering how the Japanese public and government can stand in solidarity with Myanmar’s younger generation as they lead the country’s movement toward a multi-ethnic, -sectorial, -generational, and -class resistance for federal democracy.
- Date and Time
- October 3, 2024 (Thursday) 19:00-20:30 JST
- Where
- Online Event (Zoom Webinar)
- Language
- English (with simultaneous Japanese interpretation)
- Participation Fee
- Free
- Registration Form
- https://x.gd/PEtui
- Speaker
- Zee Pe
Kyi Nyein
- Speaker Profiles
- Zee Pe
Zee Pe is the Executive Director of Athan - Freedom of Expression Activist Organization, who has been working on Myanmar human rights issues for more than ten years. She had been actively involved in prominent human rights-based organizations in the previous decade before she joined Athan. With her experiences, she joined Athan as a consultant since the foundation in 2018, then she worked full-time for Athan a year later. She actively organized a series of protests on the freedom of expression issues and was energetically involved in writing research papers. After the coup in 2021, she became an Executive Director of Athan, now leading Athan in human rights and advocacy work for Myanmar. Zee Pe and Athan’s team members gradually moved to Thailand at the end of 2021 due to their activism work.
- Kyi Nyein
Kyi Nyein is a youth queer activist, currently serving as the Secretary of Queers of Burma Alternative (QBA). Kyi has been deeply involved in activism since 2018, focusing on LGBT+ rights, anti-militarism, youth activism, and environmentalism. Despite the violence caused by the 2021 military coup in Myanmar, Kyi has continued to advocate for social justice, working as a steering committee member in the General Strike Committee of Myanmar, and providing humanitarian assistance in displacement areas such as northern Shan and Karenni States. Kyi's extensive experience includes roles such as a Policy Affairs Officer at Students Union and Assistant Secretary at the Youth Affairs Committee under a civilian government. Their passion for environmentalism earned them recognition as the South East Asia Youth Cleanup Ambassador 2019. In addition to their activism, Kyi is an accomplished podcast maker, focusing on LGBT+ voices in Myanmar, and has worked with various organizations on research and advocacy intersectionality among the pro-democratic groups.
- Co-organized by
- #NoMoreBusinessWithJunta campaign organizers (Mekong Watch, ayus:Network of Buddhists Volunteers on International Cooperation, Friends of the Earth Japan, Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC), and Network Against Japan Arms Trade (NAJAT)) with Progressive Voice
- Contact
- Mekong Watch info@mekongwatch.org
- Relevant resources
- KDDI Group and Sumitomo Corporation: Do not facilitate human rights abuses by Burma’s illegitimate regime (Open Letter to KDDI and Sumitomo Corporation, 18 October, 2021)
- Daily briefings, Assistance Association for Political Prisoners